
Friday, November 22, 2019

What I learnt this week

1. 1 thing I learnt this week is how to participate in math, and not do the things on my own and help others work out the math equazen instead of doing everything me self and not help.

2. 1 thing I enjoyed at school is digital media where we play Minecraft, build things, and code to spawn things in, we also build about what the things that teacher tells use to build.

3. 1 thing I need to work on is to get work done faster and not slack off. and fiddle with things, and not play games.
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Friday, November 15, 2019

What I learnt, and what I need to improve

1. 1 thing I learnt was in math equations, when I know the answer to question, I remembered to put me hand up when I want to answer, and not blurb it out to the class.

2. 1 thing I need to work on is my reading answering, it's because when I go to another room to read with a teacher I always call out the answers for the reading story, and talk over the teacher while the teacher is talking.

3. 1 thing I enjoyed was digital media, it's because we get to use minecraft education edition and code on it and have fun with the coding like spawn TNT, or place end crystals and blow them up
Image result for minecraft education editionImage result for speech bubble

Friday, November 8, 2019

The R.O.A.R

Why do we have the R.O.A.R
It is because its stand for
OC pride
Active learner

why is the R.O.A.R so important, its because the R.O.A.R will carry on for the rest of your life and u must follow it. That's why the R.O.A.R is to important.
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What I learnt this week

1. One thing I learnt is that I don't have to be exactly perfected in everything.

2. My goal I have achieved is to not play around while others help each other.

3. One thing I need to improve on is when I do maths I have to listen to other people explain their answer and not look around.
Image result for math workbook clipartImage result for speech bubble with numbers